I've thought a lot about what I would like to my blog to be going forward. It's hard to keep a blog simply about just my writing journey. There isn't a whole lot of information that comes with that. Just a lot of desserts and me looking like a couch potato in front of a computer screen. Even I don't want that image.
So here's what I'm thinking. Of course I'll still update about my progress with new releases, but I'd like to also be able to share with you books I've read, recipes I've enjoyed, and things that strike me as interesting.
There's no telling how often I'll even write. I'm excited though to keep a little of my creativity flowing into something other than my books.
With all of that said, I wanted to share something I stumbled upon today which I thought was cool. Amazon always chooses certain books to discount, that isn't any thing new. Maybe I'm behind, but I just found the discounted books all in one place! Amazon is usually never that organized. It's like a rabbit hole, you're looking at new shirts and suddenly you find yourself looking at lawn mowers. Not that that's a bad thing, I usually find quite a few cool things along the way.
When it comes to books though, I just want to look at books. I want to see the covers and read the reviews. Are those the first two things you look at too?
*affiliate link*
Let me know what book you decided to pick up! Bonus points if you tell me how it was!
C. M.
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