Thursday, December 31, 2015

New year goals

Each year I set goals for myself rather than make resolutions. I feel like this is more productive and positive and when I look back I can check off what I actually accomplished and what I need to add to my next years goals! So you can see last year's here.

Now, I think I managed to accomplish both goals! So I say last year was a success!

This year my goals are:

1. Finish and publish book three.
It's coming along very nicely, I just have to put on the finishing touches and it's off to the editor. Unfortunately, it takes me a bit longer to finish with my three little helpers ;) So I'm not sure when that will be.

2. Finish another book.
Yep, that's my goal. I have a couple started and one that I think I will run with and it isn't part of the Obscured series!! Do I have you excited? ;) Or maybe I will go ahead with another book in the Obscured series...only time will tell. Can't wait to see where I go with this goal! Can you?

3. I would love to find more time to read. And be read to! Yep, my middle just started reading! I can't wait to unlock new worlds with her as she embarks on this new found talent! :)

4. Of course you can't have goals without wanting to spend more time with family.

5. I want to improve my online presence. Of course that will take some help from you ;)

Here's to the new year!!


Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas and New year!!

Hey guys, I know I've been silent for a while....a long while.. Preparing for Christmas for three children has kicked my butt the last couple months, as well as fighting being sick for a constant of 2 1/2 months now... yeah it's been that long. It's one of those sicknesses that you get and then get another, and another and you never actually get better... Fingers crossed this is the last round!! Now that the Christmas festivities have ended, I am hoping to slowly jump back into writing and all the fun things that go with it.

During my inactive time I received my first three bad reviews...gasp... Yea, that won't slow me down though because I know that not everyone will like what I write and that is okay, so thank you for taking the time to review weather you liked it or not. While you may not "see" me, I am still checking up on things.

Lastly, my new years goal is to get a news out via email, so if you would like to get updates now and then from me please subcribe below. 

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That's all for now folks! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe New Years!